How to Deal with Food Disappointment

Do you struggle with constant food disappointment that affects your food choices and ability to eat healthy? Read on to learn how to deal with food disappointment.

It's a common worry that can complicate food decisions as you chronically overthink what to eat that's truly satisfying. It can affect you at home, restaurants or even in the grocery store. We often find this to be an extension of a past unhealthy relationship with food, but that's not always the case.

Granted, feeling content and fulfilled with what you're eating is an important aspect of a healthy diet and relationship with food. That said, we can't ALWAYS expect to feel 100% satisfied every time we put something in our mouth (which happens multiple times a day). There will be times when you're just not happy with what you ordered, cooked or ingested. If that's the case, it's best to work on sitting with that feeling, acknowledging that it wasn't exactly what you were hoping for and then moving on to another activity so you can get your mind off of it.

If you put too much pressure or have too high expectations of how food should make you feel, or if food is your main source of pleasure and comfort, then it's understandable why it would be more complicated and difficult. Mindful eating, or being in the moment with your meals, has no agenda and no expectations. Eating IS SUPPOSED TO BE ENJOYABLE, yet not every eating event will live up to our standards - that's ok!

Accept that some meals, snacks and foods will be more enjoyable than others - the good news is that you need to eat every single day for the rest of your life so there are plenty more opportunities to fulfill that need. 

If this is something that does affect your eating habits and food choices, schedule a consultation with one of our nutrition experts today!

Lisa Moskovitz