Health Trends We Low-Key Love

Certain health trends can’t disappear fast enough like skipping breakfast and calling it “intermittent fasting” or cutting out all carbs and saying it’s because you’re “allergic to gluten.” Yes, gluten-sensitivities are real and gluten-free diets can be therapeutic, but this isn’t universal.

That said, there are also some trends that we can proudly get behind and see as a step in the right direction.

Have you heard of the cottage cheese craze yet? It’s all over the internet as influencers and non-influencers alike are adopting cottage cheese into their daily routine and recipe rotation. This curdled cheese-like yogurt thing is chock-full of nutrients from protein to calcium and iodine, which is ultra important for proper thyroid function.

Hormones are not to blame for everything, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore them either - especially for my female sex populations. Hormones can have a MAJOR impact on everything from the physical to the emotional. They’re also very sensitive and can be easily thrown off from improper eating and other unhealthy lifestyle habits. We do a lot of hormone testing in this practice. OF COURSE, not everyone can blame it on their hormones. There is a point when we need to stop digging for defects and redirect somewhere else if we can’t detect any significant hormonal issues.

Alcohol is a toxin. There are zero benefits to drinking alcohol other than the fact that it can be fun and sometimes help you relax and enjoy life (yes that is important). But on a granular level, excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt metabolic health, mental health, reproductive health and so on. So if you’re like us and don’t want to sit on a beach or at a pool party empty-handed, grab an alcohol-free canned cocktail and you might find you don’t miss the alcoholic versions as much you as you thought.

Gut health supplements can be a g-dsend! There’s little to no harm in getting in more probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, magnesium and fiber. It can be hard to get enough of these goodies through diet alone. First, it’s always important that you speak with a healthcare professional before taking anything OTC. For some, supplementing with fiber can worsen bloating, diarrhea and constipation.

What are some health trends you low-key love? Send us your thoughts and/or questions below. You can also submit requests to meet 1:1 with a dietitian in our practice by entering in your contact information.

Lisa Moskovitz